sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2022

Prepositions of Time

1 - Learn

  • dias da semana on Sunday, on Monday, on Tuesday, on Sundays, on Mondays, on Tuesdays
  • partes do dia on Sunday morning, on Monday afternoon, on Wednesday evening
  • datas on 21st January, on June 10th, on 2nd May 1990, on 30th June 2021
  • aniversários on my birthday, on our wedding day
  • festas on Christmas Day, on New Year's Day, on Good Friday, on Easter Sunday
  • acontecimentos on that day, on that afternoon, on that evening

  • festivais at Christmas, at Christmas-time, at Easter
  • horas exactas at seven o'clock, at twelve thirty, at 3.30 p.m., at midday, at midnight, at noon
  • idades at sixteen, at the age of 18

at the moment, at sunrise, at dawn, at this time, at that time, at tea time,
at lunch time, at dinner time, at the weekend, at night 

  • segundos in twenty seconds, in thirty seconds' time
  • minutos in a minute, in ten minutes, in ten minutes' time
  • horas in an hour, in ten hours, in ten hours' time
  • dias in two days, in thirty days' time
  • semanas in a week, in two weeks, in two weeks' time
  • meses in a month, in two months, in a month's time, in January, in July, in May 2000, in June 2001
  • anos in 1959, in 1980, in 1999, in 2001
  • décadas in the 1960s, in the 1970s, in the 1990s
  • séculos in the 19th century, in the 21st century
  • partes do dia in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the night (1)
  • estações do ano in (the) spring, in (the) summer, in (the) autumn, in (the) winter
  • periodos festivos in Easter week, in Ramadam
  • periodos in that time, in that year, in that period
(1) in the night refere-se a uma noite específica

  • all all morning, all day, all week, all month, all year
  • every every morning, every day, every week
  • last last night, last Friday, last week, last month
  • next next Friday, next week, next month, next year
  • tomorrow tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon
  • yesterday yesterday, yesterday morning

the day before yesterday,
the day after tomorrow

2 - Practice

3 - Test

Online test
No final clica em 'Finish' e depois 'Email my answers to my teacher', preenche os dados e envia em 'send'. 

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